Monday, May 11, 2020

Quarientine Times

Blog post

Spending time with Family.

During quarientine, we're suck inside the house with our families. For some people, that's the worst, but for others, its perfectly fine. For me personally, it's somewhere in the middle. I have plenty of family and thankfully I can still go and see all of them during this time. Every other weekend, I'm at my nieces house or they're at mine. Even though we are both in a house, it's fun to be at someone elses house insdead of being in the exact same house everyday.

Last weekend me and my nieces babysat my great niece and great nephew, which was interesting. My great nephew is still a baby, my my great niece is in her terrible twos. She throws fit and everything, so that can be hard to deal with sometimes. But nonetheless, I still had a great time, even though I got peed on twice by my great nephew. Me and my nieces played plenty board games and made TikToks, so we’ve found ways to keep ourselves entertained while we wait out quarantine.  We’ve also picked up new hobbies, like my one niece has taken up drawing and the other one started a YouTube channel.

We also celebrated Mother’s Day together. We all both things for both my mom and their mom. We really enjoyed celebrating and going shopping for them, and it was also a great excuse to get out of the house. We ended up getting their mom a bunch a little things since no one knew what exactly she wanted Nd we got my mom a bunch of candy, cups, and random things because thats the type of stuff she likes. It was really nice sharing Mother’s Day with another family, even if it had to be in quarantine. I’ve really enjoyed the time I’ve spent getting to know my family’s even more. To be honest, it’s the only good thing that’s came out of quarantine.

Quarantine Times

Why Pineapple 100 percent belongs on pizza.

Opinion Blog

So, I'm sure you read the title of the post, so obviously this is simply my personal opinion. You'd honestly be surprise how many people hold such a strong opinion towards pineapple on pizza. I can understand where the distaste comes from, something cold being put on something warm, sweet mixing with something bitter could be a bit off putting. But, I'm a firm believer in trying that people should always try something new. It's my favorite type of pizza and I think it's underrated and not enough people actually enjoy it.

Now, like I said I get the hesitation. Trying something new, especially foreign, is scary. It's forging. But let me say this. People try Chinese food, Indian food, Mexican food, etc. People are willing to try foods that are from they're culture, but are scared to try a food that is their culture. Pizza is pretty American, and It's honestly just an experience all American need to try at least once. I think that in simply trying it, your life will change. Your eyes will be fully open, your going to be a different person. 
But, in all seriousness, pineapple is the superior pizza topping. I don't really eat meat, let alone on top of pizza, so its a great alternative. And to be honest you can't even taste the tangy sweetness you usually taste with pineapple. Its really just the texture of the pineapple your tasting, so you don't even have to worry about all that. In my opinion, pineapple is absolutely perfect for pizza.
In final words, pineapple has every right to be on top of pizza. it adds a bit of flavor and plenty of love. People need to learn to try something new.