Monday, April 6, 2020

Quarantine Times

April 5 2020

5 ways I’ve been keeping myself entertained.

              1. Art.
                     Lately I’ve really gotten back into drawing and  painting. It’s been really relaxing to me and has kept my creative vibes flowing. I’ve started creating different characters and painting different types of pictures, I simply just mix blues or purples with whites just to see what will happen.  I’ve always enjoyed art, but I haven’t really had much time to do it. But now, with the extra time off I have time to actually get back into art the way I can’t to.

              2.  Cooking
                         Same with art, I haven’t really been able to get into cooking because of how busy I’ve  been between work and school. Although I’m still busy with those things, I'm home a lot more now.  Because of this, I’ve been practicing my cooking skills. So far I’ve cooked burgers, soups, chicken, different Mac and cheeses, cookies, and plenary of breakfast foods. I’ve really enjoyed all this cooking I’ve been able to do, even creating my own dishes.  Cooking has honestly always been something I’ve enjoyed, and it’s been distracting me from all this mess.

         3.  Work
                       Although it’s honestly one of my least favorite things, I have been working a lot more than I usually do when school is in. I thought I would dread it, but I’ve really enjoyed getting even closer with the kids and my coworkers. I love that I’ve gotten closer with the kids, more specifically the older school agers. Everyday we play games and make TikToks. I know it may seem kind of lame, but they really enjoy it and I do too. Something else I’ve like about this is getting to see their personalities. I think it’s so cute watching them interact with one another too.

          4. Netflix
                       After a long days work, coming home and watching something on Netflix is one of the highlights of my day. Netflix is always offering something for me to get addicted to, so I really can never get bored. I actually hate watching movies because I feel like they take too long, but since I’ve really haven’t had much to do, I’ve really got into movies. I seriously recommend the Miracle in Cell Block Number 7. It’s almost 3 hours long, but it’s totally worth it. But be warned, it will make you cry. Once you’re done with that, watch 100 Humans. It’s a Netflix Original Series, and it’s basically a study of humans, but it’s really funny.

          5. Pana
                       I have a little dog named Pana, and because I haven’t really been out the house like that I’ve been able to be home and spend more time with her. I love being home with her and playing with her outside. She always comes and lays by my legs and falls asleep while I watch movies, so I like to think that’s our little way of bonding.

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