Monday, May 11, 2020

Quarientine Times

Blog post

Spending time with Family.

During quarientine, we're suck inside the house with our families. For some people, that's the worst, but for others, its perfectly fine. For me personally, it's somewhere in the middle. I have plenty of family and thankfully I can still go and see all of them during this time. Every other weekend, I'm at my nieces house or they're at mine. Even though we are both in a house, it's fun to be at someone elses house insdead of being in the exact same house everyday.

Last weekend me and my nieces babysat my great niece and great nephew, which was interesting. My great nephew is still a baby, my my great niece is in her terrible twos. She throws fit and everything, so that can be hard to deal with sometimes. But nonetheless, I still had a great time, even though I got peed on twice by my great nephew. Me and my nieces played plenty board games and made TikToks, so we’ve found ways to keep ourselves entertained while we wait out quarantine.  We’ve also picked up new hobbies, like my one niece has taken up drawing and the other one started a YouTube channel.

We also celebrated Mother’s Day together. We all both things for both my mom and their mom. We really enjoyed celebrating and going shopping for them, and it was also a great excuse to get out of the house. We ended up getting their mom a bunch a little things since no one knew what exactly she wanted Nd we got my mom a bunch of candy, cups, and random things because thats the type of stuff she likes. It was really nice sharing Mother’s Day with another family, even if it had to be in quarantine. I’ve really enjoyed the time I’ve spent getting to know my family’s even more. To be honest, it’s the only good thing that’s came out of quarantine.

Quarantine Times

Why Pineapple 100 percent belongs on pizza.

Opinion Blog

So, I'm sure you read the title of the post, so obviously this is simply my personal opinion. You'd honestly be surprise how many people hold such a strong opinion towards pineapple on pizza. I can understand where the distaste comes from, something cold being put on something warm, sweet mixing with something bitter could be a bit off putting. But, I'm a firm believer in trying that people should always try something new. It's my favorite type of pizza and I think it's underrated and not enough people actually enjoy it.

Now, like I said I get the hesitation. Trying something new, especially foreign, is scary. It's forging. But let me say this. People try Chinese food, Indian food, Mexican food, etc. People are willing to try foods that are from they're culture, but are scared to try a food that is their culture. Pizza is pretty American, and It's honestly just an experience all American need to try at least once. I think that in simply trying it, your life will change. Your eyes will be fully open, your going to be a different person. 
But, in all seriousness, pineapple is the superior pizza topping. I don't really eat meat, let alone on top of pizza, so its a great alternative. And to be honest you can't even taste the tangy sweetness you usually taste with pineapple. Its really just the texture of the pineapple your tasting, so you don't even have to worry about all that. In my opinion, pineapple is absolutely perfect for pizza.
In final words, pineapple has every right to be on top of pizza. it adds a bit of flavor and plenty of love. People need to learn to try something new.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

      Quarantine Times

         Video post: Ways others have been staying preoccupied.

          In the past few days I've been trying to find ways to keep myself entertained since my job ends tomarrow. I've been watching a lot more YouTube to try and find things to do once I'm on full lockdown, and seeing what others are doing. So, I've been trying to get as many ideas as I can, or just find ways to entertain myself. I've watched my favorite youtubers and even actual celebrities to get ideas or to simply entertain myself. 

        Number 1: Hair videos
             Since I haven't been leaving the house except for work I haven't even been taking care of my hair like I usually do. Its been up in a bun for the past 2 weeks, which isn't healthy for you hair at all. Once quarantine is over, I plain on wearing my hair all types of different ways. I've been watching compilation videos of women doing their hair and once this is over I plan on wearing pretty much all of them. I've also been watch hair product reviews, which once this is over and I can go to the Beauty Supply Store and buy it for myself.                                                                             

        Number 2: Movie reviews
I've always loved listening to movie reivews, wether they be for laughs or it they are serious, in-depth looks at the movie. When I'm at work I listen to them while I'm cleaning and cooking because it makes the time seems to go faster and because the building is so big and when I'm cleaning it can get kindof loney, so hearing someone talk is really nice. I like these videos because even though I don't really like watching movies, I like the reviews of them so I know if they're worth my time or not.

         Number 3: True Crime Videos
I've always loved true crime and learning about murderers and their crimes, its very interesting. There's  YouTubers that talk about crimes and tell what the crime was. Just like the movie reviews, I listen to these at work too, just not as much because cleaning up in the building in rooms by myself while listening to a murder story can get a little scary.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


       People are protesting the Stay-At-Home Extension.

         Quarantine Times


In these troubling times, some people have taken it upon themselves to add even more stress to our government. According to '', "Protesters assemble in Brookfield, want 'Safer at Home' restrictions dropped." In Brookfield, thousands of people lined the streets to protest Gov. Evers extension of the "Safer At Home" policy, now going until May 26th. Completely ignoring the CDCs advice to stay 6 feet apart and wear mask in public, they lined up holding 'patriotic' signs, many toward the Govnor, even though he was not the one who put the extension in order. The protest lasted a few hours and took up miles of sidewalk. Different people where protesting for different reasons, ranging from understandable to a bit absurd. Some people were calling for the re-opening of small business in order to help the economy, others felt as if their constitutional rights were being violated. The police didn't do much, they simply sat and watched.

Although it has been proven that the "Safer-At-Home" method has been working, many U.S citizens have chosen to ignore it. But, was has become worrisome is how many U.S citizens have began taking place in these protest. So far they have been popping up all over the U.S, and some people have even brought their confederate flags and guns with them. Many think this is a big government conspiracy to create "silent slavery" (which is interesting considering 99.99 percent of these protestors are white). It's also interesting that most of the protestors are older, which is alarming because they are the exact people who need to be at home.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

TikToks with my babies

Quarantine Times


TikToks and Daycare

               So, its pretty obvious that everyone is pretty bored at the moment, including my daycare kids. After making their dinner one day, I noticed that they weren't really doing much. They were sitting around and talking, watching T.V, or just running around. I asked if they wanted to play a game or play in the house area, but they said they were sick of doing the same thing everyday. So, I was like, "Hey wanna make a TikTok?" And, not to my surprise, they all said yes and got all excited. I set up the camera and let them have their way. Now, this is something we do almost regularly.



Monday, April 6, 2020

Quarantine Times

April 5 2020

5 ways I’ve been keeping myself entertained.

              1. Art.
                     Lately I’ve really gotten back into drawing and  painting. It’s been really relaxing to me and has kept my creative vibes flowing. I’ve started creating different characters and painting different types of pictures, I simply just mix blues or purples with whites just to see what will happen.  I’ve always enjoyed art, but I haven’t really had much time to do it. But now, with the extra time off I have time to actually get back into art the way I can’t to.

              2.  Cooking
                         Same with art, I haven’t really been able to get into cooking because of how busy I’ve  been between work and school. Although I’m still busy with those things, I'm home a lot more now.  Because of this, I’ve been practicing my cooking skills. So far I’ve cooked burgers, soups, chicken, different Mac and cheeses, cookies, and plenary of breakfast foods. I’ve really enjoyed all this cooking I’ve been able to do, even creating my own dishes.  Cooking has honestly always been something I’ve enjoyed, and it’s been distracting me from all this mess.

         3.  Work
                       Although it’s honestly one of my least favorite things, I have been working a lot more than I usually do when school is in. I thought I would dread it, but I’ve really enjoyed getting even closer with the kids and my coworkers. I love that I’ve gotten closer with the kids, more specifically the older school agers. Everyday we play games and make TikToks. I know it may seem kind of lame, but they really enjoy it and I do too. Something else I’ve like about this is getting to see their personalities. I think it’s so cute watching them interact with one another too.

          4. Netflix
                       After a long days work, coming home and watching something on Netflix is one of the highlights of my day. Netflix is always offering something for me to get addicted to, so I really can never get bored. I actually hate watching movies because I feel like they take too long, but since I’ve really haven’t had much to do, I’ve really got into movies. I seriously recommend the Miracle in Cell Block Number 7. It’s almost 3 hours long, but it’s totally worth it. But be warned, it will make you cry. Once you’re done with that, watch 100 Humans. It’s a Netflix Original Series, and it’s basically a study of humans, but it’s really funny.

          5. Pana
                       I have a little dog named Pana, and because I haven’t really been out the house like that I’ve been able to be home and spend more time with her. I love being home with her and playing with her outside. She always comes and lays by my legs and falls asleep while I watch movies, so I like to think that’s our little way of bonding.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Quarantine Times

                                                                   Entry One * 3/30/20

As I'm sure most people are aware, Milwaukee is on quarantine until the coronavirus can be contained and taken care of. In this time, I've seen many people "bored in the house", trying to find ways to entertain themselves. I truly envy those people. I haven't been able to feel that feeling of total boredom yet because I still have to go to work once I'm finished with my school work for the day. Each day of the week seems like one long day that keeps extending now that I'm not at school and feel as if I have no structure in my life. My entire inner clock has been effected because my outer 
clock has been turned upside down, if that makes any sense. 

Everyday I wake up at 6:30, which is the time I get ready for school. No alarm clock, just my inner clock still thinking that there's regular school. I fall back asleep and wakeup around 11, do my homework, get ready for work around 2:30, and be at work by 3. But, everyday, those times change depending on how much homework there is to do that day. sometimes I get to work at 4, sometimes I get there at 3:30. Once I get to work I do my normal routine of helping out in classrooms, doing snack and dinner, and cleaning. I get off at around 8, but sometimes that can change too. Once I'm home I shower, eat something, try and relax and hopefully fall asleep in the process. As one can tell, my routine is much more chaotic than I can handle. I only leave little room in my life for "when life gives you lemon" moments, so the fact that this is happening, and so drastically at that, is honestly making me sick. 

 Having my routine change like this has definitely effected me, a lot more than I thought it would. I've become more tired, despite me going to bed even earlier than I did when school. I'm more stressed, as well. I'm not even sure what I've been stressing over. I'm not as worried about catching the virus as most people are. I'm in clean environments and even though I work around kids we've taught them the importance of distancing themselves and being clean, so I really don't have much contact with them as one might think. I'm not high risk of catching it, so that's not what I'm stressed about. I dread getting out of bed everyday knowing that, today, something just isn't going to feel right. Today is going to be another "grab bag" of a day, except its going to be a really bad grab bag and I'm not going to like it. The lack of face-to-face communication with people I actually want to talk to is killing me as well. I feel so lonely, now. FaceTime and texting really isn't enough for me, and as much as I thought I'd never be saying this, I miss school. I miss my friends and my teachers. I miss my normal routine.

I know it sounds selfish of me to be complaining about a routine when we're in the middle of a worldwide crisis and people are dying, and my routine being thrown off a bit is actually keeping myself and other safe. I'm just so used to it. I can't handle change at all and when it happens so suddenly I fell like everything's falling apart and I can't handle it. I've been this way since I was a kid. I'm doing my best, but I really hope this is over soon so things can go back to the way they were.